We at Public Herald get crushes kind of often. Our latest one is on Mission & State, a new in-depth journalism project in Santa Barbara, California. Like so many other great connections, we discovered M&S because of fracking. Yes, thanks to that highly controversial and dangerous drilling process formerly known as horizontal slickwater hydraulic fracturing, we’ve met some really amazing people.
Front page January 27, 2014, Mission & State online.
Fracking is only one part of Mission & State’s coverage of news in and around Santa Barbara, which finds itself atop the oil and gas rich Monterey Shale, a bedrock formation with average depths of over 11,000 feet underground according to National Geographic. Check out Mission & State’s coverage of the ‘urchin and caviar’ politics surrounding the fracking debate in California.
As for their other work, we’re keen on their Homeless Blog, a series of raw videos each featuring a different homeless member of their community, and their Civics Center which gives the community easy access to public records and current projects of local government.
From Mission & State’s ‘Homeless Blog’
As an nonprofit investigative news organization ourselves, we of course had to ask…who exactly is Mission & State? Turns out they’re a bunch of awesome journalists and multimedia storytellers. Go figure!
Mission & State – you’ve got guts. Kudos and keep up the interesting work.